Pirate Critical Mass Ride
'Tis Bike Month a comin' an' to kick off ta month we good pirates be ridin' the streets O'Vancouver!
Ye Friday, the thirtieth day of May -- as we here know it to be the last Friday of t'month -- 'tis it. So then it shall be a Pirate Critical Mass. Ridin' for one and all to join in or walk t'plank!
We be a meetin' at t'Vancouver Art Gallery, downtown, between the mighty lions and where t'water spills from t'earth on the Georgia Street side. We shall parley there around 5:00 to 5:30 p.m., Pacific seaboard time. But I reckon we won't be leavin' until six that eve, when we be liberatin' the sea of streets and bridges from th' curse of th' lily-liver'd, steel armour'd mot'riz'd ships that sail her. No quarter! As our bounty o'safe an comfortable cyclin' takes to the high streets. Yaaarrrr!!!
I reckon ther'll be tallbikes, an' puny bikes, an eberytin' in betwe'en. So come as ye will! Festooned in pirate gear for all to see! Corsairs, privateers and buccaneers welcome, but be on the lookout for our mortal enemies -- the landlubbin' ninjas -- as if they be among us, there be trouble! Bring flute or drum or any noisey thin' you can muster t'inspire the imaginatin'. Not just ye bicycles but all those who sail under their own wind are welcome aboard -- be that skateboards, wheelchairs, rollerskates, or as it'may. We set out rain or shine -- so ye best come prepaaared!
Avast, Ye Scurvy Dogs!
We Arn't Blockn' Traffick!
After th' ride there be a Pirate show for all t' see. Startin' eight thirty in the eve, pillagin' an plunderin' late onto ta night, at the club they coll ANZA, three 8th ave in the West, where the Ontario Bike Route meets the 8th.
Aye! An elp'us spread the good word by leafletting or postern' in your neck o'th woods!
Posters an' 1/4 page leaflets can be printed from 'ere:
UBC riders meet at the UBC Bike Hub, on the north east end of the Student Union Building, at 4:30 p.m. for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery. Phone 604-822-BIKE for details.
East Van riders meet 4:00 p.m., leaving 4:30 p.m., from Grandview Park, 1200-block Commercial Drive, for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Pictures and ideas for dressing up the ride to be more fun!
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