Last Mass of Summer Friday 26
This Friday, Today
August 26 2005
Da Critical Mass Bike RideAnd Rollerblade, Skate, Wheel, Walk, Street Party
Meet 5-5:30pm Depart 6pm
From Vancouver Arte Gallery Georgia St
Downtown Vancouver
Ride To Be Free. Free Ride.
THE LAST RIDE OF THE SUMMER. come on out for a relaxing fun party
in your city streets. a comfortable ride for all riding sensibilities,
enjoy a safer riding experience with less cars, as we temporarily displace
the automobile and imagine a healthier city. rain or shine - forecast:
shiny rolling fun!
NO DECIDED upon costume theme, though costumes are always fun and encouraged. suggestions include: mythical creatures, gods and goddesses, puppies and kittens, fruits and vegetables, blue sky ride [a theme we've often advocated for september rides which never seems to work because of the september rain], mohawks, raised central head-hair planar unit, parkas, no pants, ride in circles [how big? circles are inevitable], everybody dresses up like couriers, bloodbath [shocking CARnage], burrard street bike lanes, no highway through east vancouver, september 22 car free day, support the striking telus/cbc workers, semi-formal cotillion, naked sockeye theme - your guess is as good as mine.
>>> HEY FINALLY, on thursday, september 22, 2005, vancouver will join 1,500 other cities and 100 million people worldwide in celebration of car free day. from noon to 8:00 pm, people of all ages will be walking, jogging, skating, cycling, scootering, taking transit or ride-sharing to hip, historic gastown for a fun, friendly festival. water street and 1 block of carrall street will be closed to vehicles and transformed into a traffic-free streetscape with music, performances and displays that celebrate the healthy and affordable ways people in our community can move around.
>>> there have been TONS OF FUN rides this summer. many were announceed on the the vancouver cm blog and you can read about them in the archives. don't forget to post your photos, or link your photos there, so that everyone can share in the reminiscing you can either post in a comment or post your own feature
>>> TUNE IN and listen to the pedal revolutionary radio program on citr 101.9fm [or online] on alternating thursdays from 5-6pm. now hosted by your excellent host conradical with many excellent insightful interviews on bike related culture and politics in this city.