Vancouver Critical Mass

Mostly event announcements, news, and bicycle related activist opinions...
Download Critical Mass flyers and posters, or upload your own
Email vancouvercm~AT~gmail~DOT~com for a posting password
Yes, we ride the last Friday of every month!


#### Vancouver Mini Maker Faire needs YOU! Volunteer and attend for free :) ####

Vancouver's first ever Mini Maker Faire <>
is less than a month away, and we're looking for volunteers!

  *** Volunteers receive FREE admission wooHOO ***

This is a community initiative -- and we need more community-minded
folks to help behind (and in) the scenes! Families are also welcome
to volunteer together.

If you think you might be interested in helping even a little bit...

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There will be lots of ways to help -- including bicycle rangers to get
the word out (flyering, postering, tabling, yarn b*mbing etc) between
now and the end of June. We'll also need riders during the event to
help keep it safe, fun and organised.

If you like to play, laugh, learn or be amazed, join us! Local
crochet punks, crafty cyclists, hardware hackers, cyborgs, alt
sculptors, magic makers of all kinds will be rolling their unique
creations out for the world to see. There will also be DIY 
workshops, talks, interactive exhibits and a Tesla coil.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sun. May 29th, 1pm
 @ VHS 45 W. Hastings, alley entrance

 Wanted: Rogue knitters and crocheters!
 All skill levels are welcome to participate in this yarn bombing
 guerrilla campaign for Vancouver Mini Maker Faire. Bring ideas
 to our brainstorm/planning session at VHS
 <>, led by knit-graffiti artist Leanne
 Prain, author of "Yarn Bombing". The following three Mondays
 (May 30, June 6, June 13) will be open knit nights at the VHS
 to prepare for the grand city-wide yarn bomb on Mon. June 20th.
 Indoor (upstairs) bike parking. Note: this space is not accessible.

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Wed. June. 1st, 6:30pm
 @ the Hackery garage, 304 Victoria Drive
      (1 block north of E. Hastings) <>

 Volunteers and friends welcome! Bring snacks to share, or just
 graze the snacks of others. We'll be coordinating volunteer
 activities for June, and organising flyering/poster routes. You
 can also drop by to say hello and pick up flyers/posters to
 distribute. Join us! Accessible; indoor bike parking.

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Sat. June 18 time TBA
 Location TBA

Sat. June 18 time TBA
 @ Great Northern Way Campus

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Tues. June 21 6:30pm
 @ the Hackery garage

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Wed. June 22 6:30pm
 @ Great Northern Way Campus

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Fri. June 24
 @ Great Northern Way Campus

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Sat June 25-Sun June 26 10am-5pm
 @ Great Northern Way Campus

THANKS for reading this far! If you have any questions, email
<>. You could also forward this email
anywhere you think it should go, even you can't make it yourself!




 Vancouver Mini Maker Faire June 25-26 2011

Volunteer and help MAKE MakeFaire!!

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More about Maker Faire:
"Maker" culture grew out of the DIY movement and is based on the
principle that ordinary people, given access to knowledge, skills and
technology, can and will create extraordinary things. A maker can be
any person or group who invents, designs, and/or builds objects or
information systems with the goal of learning, teaching, inspiring or
improving the state of the world. Vancouver Mini Maker Faire is a
two-day celebration of making and creating. It's an all-ages family
festival promoting the ethos of DIY on a large scale.

Vancouver Mini Maker Faire will take you through an inspiring,
energetic and captivating range of exhibits, including workshops,
performances, displays, and a speaker series. Some of the features
include pyrotechnics, kinetic sculptures, interactive musical
installations, and 3d printers that can print themselves. Interaction
booths stationed throughout will centre around education: teaching
people how to complete a circuit, spin wool, or smoke bacon!


Pirate Critical Mass

Te' Pirate Critical Mass is upon us once again!!

'Tis Byke Month a comin' wit ol t'palooza she brings. An to kick off ta month we good pyrates ryde t'streets o'Vancouver! Arrrr!

Ye Fryday, th' two and seventh day of May -- as we here know it to be the last Fryday of t'month -- 'tis it. So then it shall be a Pirate Critical Mass. Rydin' for one an all to join in or walk t'plank!

We be a meetin' at t'Vancouver Art Gallery, downtown, between the myghty lyons and where t'water spills from t'earth on the Georgia Street syde. We shall parley there around 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. -- but we reckon we won't be leavin' until six that eve, when we be liberatin' the sea of streets and bridges from th' curse of th' lily-liver'd, steel armour'd, mot'riz'd ships that sail her. No quarter! As our bounty o'safe an comfortable cyclin' takes to the hygh streets. Yaaarrrr!!!

We reckon ther'll be tallbykes, puny bykes, cargoo bykes, an' eberytin' in betwe'en. So come as ye will! Festooned in pyrate gear for all to see! Corsairs, pryvateers, and buccaneers welcome! Bring flute or drum or any noisey thin' you can muster t'inspyre the imaginatin'. Not just ye bycycles but all ye who sail under their own wind are welcome aboard -- be that skateboards, wheelchairs, rollerskates, or as it' may.

We set out rain er shine -- so ye best come prepaaared!

Avast, Ye Scurvy Dogs!
We Arn't Blockn' Traffick!

Aye! An spread the good word!


What's Critical Mass and how do I participate?

Celebrated around the world, Critical Mass is a grassroots reclamation of public space -- on the last Friday of the month -- which allows cyclists and other self-propelled people to move safely and comfortably through city streets in a car-free space. Non-polluting forms of transportation are promoted.

The ride stays together for safety and fun. If you are at the front of the ride, stop if you are approaching a red light. But continue as a group if the lights change red while passing though an intersection.

You will see participants at the front peel off to block motorized traffic from entering the Mass. That's called "corking". Corkers keep the ride safe and allow the Mass to pass though intersections where the lights have turned red. Thank them for corking!

Never cork alone. Join lone corkers, and for intersections there should be six or more corkers. And remember, do not cork oncoming traffic in opposing lanes.

If you're at the front, please don't speed or take narrow roadways or paths. It stretches the ride out and makes life harder for corkers, riders, and those waiting for the Mass to pass. Be aware of the ride's slower participants, and keep a slower pace. If the Mass has thinned out or has broken into more than one group, which happens following hills or where the street has becomes more lanes, the front should wait at green lights for the group to "mass up".

Don't stay on any given street for very long, so that public transit can pass. And always let emergency vehicles through. Please don't ride on sidewalks or in opposing traffic lanes.

The ride is a celebration, and an alcohol/drug free event. Take absolute responsibility for your actions and show motorists a better way to travel. A way which is more equitable, efficient, fun and socially responsible than the car. There's no need to be unfriendly or argue with motorists -- our sheer numbers tell the story. Look after each other, speak up, and ride with confidence.

Who decides where we go?

You do! Some rides have a destination that may be suggested at the start of the ride, but the route is always decided by the riders in the front. If you have an idea where the ride should go, move to the front and participate with others in a group decision. Remember to make it fun and interesting, and that Critical Mass has no leaders.

A special note to those at the front: It becomes unsafe for those in the rear if the Mass strrrreeeetches out, there are big gaps, or the body of the Mass looses it's tail. If the front can no longer see the rear, or the Mass has just passed through a "choke point" -- stop at an intersection where there's room for the entire Mass to completely bunch up again (and where the front of the ride can see the rear again).

Pre-rides to Critical Mass:

UBC riders meet at the UBC Bike Hub, on the north east end of the Student Union Building, at 4:30 p.m. for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery. Phone 604-822-BIKE for details.

East Van riders meet 4:00 p.m., leaving 4:30 p.m., from Grandview Park, 1200-block Commercial Drive, for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Critical Mass Vancouver on Facebook:

Worldwide details may be found at:

Upload/View Vancouver Critical Mass Photos at


[StopThePave] Gateway VICTORY! - N.Fraser Perimeter Rd Fwy CANCELLED

Gateway VICTORY! - N.Fraser Perimeter Rd Fwy CANCELLED

<<a bulletin from >>

Gateway's United Boulevard extension cancelled to applause in New Westminster

On Thursday (May 19), a large and determined group of New Westminster residents gathered to find out what design TransLink would be pushing for the first section of the North Fraser Perimeter Road. Instead, the crowd burst into boisterous applause when Sany Zein, TransLink's director of roads, announced that TransLink would cancel the North Fraser Perimeter Road portion of the Gateway Program because local residents and New Westminster council would not support it.

We have lots more work ahead to stop the South Fraser Perimeter Road in its tracks - but the ball is rolling, resistance south of the Fraser is gaining ground, and spirit and awareness are now at an all-time high in the wake of our successful 2-wk occupation camp in Delta. Huge thanks to the many who supported this powerful Action. Watch for more Stop the Pave action coming!
See full article, map and comments at

<<a bulletin from >>


Statement from the South Fraser Protection Camp

For the past two weeks, the South Fraser Protection Camp has impeded the destruction of an important, historic area of North Delta.  Along the steep banks of the Fraser River, many people stood together to protect historic archaeological sites, the health of local residents and school children and to oppose the climate crime that is the South Fraser Perimeter Road.

However, those who profit from destroying this hillside have made it clear to us that they are willing to use their money, police and courts to clear our peaceful encampment by force.

Faced with an injunction, we decided to retrench the South Fraser Protection Camp. We sincerely thank all involved in making this camp a success, especially the many local residents and our friends and allies from all the affected communities along the proposed freeway alignment, for their generosity and spirit, for the food and coffee, and the conversations, which will continue.  We greatly appreciated the honks of support, and the kind words of solidarity which poured in from across the country and abroad.

While there is plenty of evidence that the province is cutting corners on environmental protection, and breaking their own laws in the mad rush to build this freeway, we recognize that our greatest strength is in the streets and on the ground, rather than in the courts. We want you to know that we do this today so that we can continue the fight. We do not want our people tied up in costly legal battles; our movement must continue to confront the bulldozers, corporate head offices, and their bought politicians.

The camp has played an important role in building alliances amongst people from many different backgrounds, sharing resources and educating ourselves and our communities about the many impacts of the SFPR, and the Gateway project as a whole.  Because of this camp, today we stand stronger, more united, and more determined than ever to gain ground in this struggle.

We are calling on all those who oppose this blatant climate crime and the clear-cutting and paving over of: Native burial grounds, Burns Bog, the mouths of many of the remaining salmon bearing streams in Delta and Surrey, the neighbourhoods and farms along the proposed freeway; and the resulting pollution and threats to our health, from children to our elders...  Opposition is rising, the movement is growing.  This freeway can still be stopped.

We are now gathering to plan our next steps to take this fight forward, and we invite you to contact us if you wish to be involved in our mobilizations: /

We also also will be holding a public meeting for people to learn more about history of this area under threat, and offer your concerns and ideas on strategy: Thursday, May 19, 6pm at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, 12666 72 Ave, Surrey (Conference Centre, Room G1205).


Sophie's Ride


Chrysler Introduces New Midsized Sedan For In-Home Use

AUBURN HILLS, MI—In a press event at its corporate headquarters Tuesday, Big Three automaker Chrysler unveiled a new entry into its vehicle lineup known as the Reside, a midsized, five-passenger sedan designed exclusively for in-home driving.

According to Chrysler chairman C. Robert Kidder, who kicked off the event by driving a sporty red test model from his office to the showroom podium, the household automobile has been "expertly engineered" for indoor driving conditions and is "ideal" for people on the go from one room of their home to another.

"With its sport-tuned suspension and spacious, comfortable interior, the Reside provides the ultimate around-the-house driving experience," said Kidder, gesturing toward a large image behind him of the vehicle cornering smoothly around an ottoman. "It's perfect for hauling that big load of laundry, shuttling the kids off to bed, and bringing the whole family to the dinner table each night."

"But this isn't your typical ho-hum four-door sedan," Kidder added. "It's also a high-performance vehicle that's great for just hitting the open halls or cruising down to the basement rec room to get away from it all."

Following years of flagging sales, billions in government aid, and a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler hopes to reverse its fortunes by positioning itself as the first mover in the untapped within-home transportation market, which it regards as a vast and lucrative growth sector.

Chrysler says their new in-home sedan is ideal for "those long trips between floors."

In a two-minute promotional video pre-sented after Kidder's remarks, the Reside was shown accelerating swiftly down a well- appointed foyer, effortlessly climbing the switchback staircase of a split-level home, and engaging in a controlled slow-motion sideways slide across a linoleum kitchen floor.

Starting at $17,595, the Reside boasts standard side curtain air bags; a five-star furniture-impact safety rating; a 3.5-liter, 239-horsepower V-6 engine capable of accelerating from zero to 60 miles per hour in 6.4 seconds; an integrated GPS turn-by-turn navigation system; and heated seats.

"This is the perfect car for an active family," said 36-year-old Anna Cavallo of Towson, MD, who test drove a Reside prototype for six months in her duplex townhouse. "I just pull right into my kids' rooms in the morning, honk them awake, and drive them over to get breakfast in the kitchen."

"After that, it's a quick drive to the garage where we can hop right into the minivan and head to school," Cavallo added.

According to EPA estimates, the Reside averages 28 miles to the gallon in hallway driving and 19 in a cluttered pantry or messy teenager's room.

In standard three-bedroom-home testing, the Reside reportedly cut the average person's commute to the bathroom by 80 percent and made driving down to the basement to pick up laundry a breeze.

"This is a fun and practical automobile, but it's so much more to boot," Chrysler spokesperson Amanda Montgomery said. "Ideal for parking right in front of the TV or a camping trip on an enclosed deck, the Reside allows you to enjoy the comforts of home without having to leave your car."

"And what could be better than an optional power sunroof for those beautiful days when you decide to take a pleasant cruise down to the sunroom?" Montgomery added.

With its "Drive Home" television and print ad campaign launching nationwide this week, the Reside already appears to have piqued considerable interest among the general public.

"It's about time, really," said 43-year-old father of two Roland Crawford of St. Louis. "Our old 1994 Hyundai Accent can barely make it upstairs anymore."

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