Vancouver Critical Mass

Mostly event announcements, news, and bicycle related activist opinions...
Download Critical Mass flyers and posters, or upload your own
Email vancouvercm~AT~gmail~DOT~com for a posting password
Yes, we ride the last Friday of every month!


Summer of Velolove 2019 dates

The tradition of Critical Mass was recently revitalized in Vancouver to remind us that car-culture is not the way forward for a healthy and liveable future.

Much of the bike infrastructure we enjoy today was established through the Critical Mass community many moons ago, which we have celebrated and used on smaller rides. Now, however, as the building boom in City and Metro Vancouver begins its physical transformation of the region's form and function, we need to step up to ensure the future is bike-ready. There has never been a more important moment at which to promote alternatives to car culture (and the associated industries and markets); to uphold our rights to clean air and quiet; and to defend civic space for joyful expressions of creative democracy!

Summer is a beautiful time for Critical Mass, so mark your calendar for the 2019 dates: 
May 31st, June 28th (big June ride!), July 26th, and August 30th
 There are heaps of other bicycle events going on, too, including several Car-Free Days, Velopalooza (June 14-30th), etc!

As a leaderless force of bicycle culture, Critical Mass may express any of the following:
  • demand/ ensure that the future of Vancouver is enriched by a world-class system of public transit and cycling infrastructure;
  • demand/ ensure that cyclists are better protected from cars;
  • demand/ ensure improved air quality in our city

The 'concept' of Critical Mass also aligns with the notion of "we the many" and the 3.5% rule to political change.

Critical Mass is a leaderless collective phenomenon that is defined by the spirit of freedom, love and solidarity, while expressing awareness of public safety and climate justice, and is an expression of healthy communities and a liveable future. Critical Mass is an alcohol/ drug free event and is inclusive to all self-propelled beings.