vancouver auto show

The Vancouver International Auto Show is here March 29- April 3, 2011. Here to greenwash cars, make people think they are necessary and functional, gloss over the public health menace cars represent, and belittle other forms of transportation. In other years the auto show has been associated with advertising that equates bus ridership to a choice only the poor are forced to endure, trying to get college kids in debt, greenwashing and other vitriolic propaganda. Already the shows website lists a poll of "menace on the road" and gives pedestrians and cyclists equal weight as dangerous with cars and tractor trailers. The current poll lists cycling as the number two menace on the road! It use to be number one but velolove listserv members voted. Please contribute. There may be direct action at the auto show at the end of march. It would be really nice if this love-in for the most reckless public/private thing on our streets was made uncomfortable. There are dozens of more cars added to the lower mainland streets every day of the year and no one has a plan to handle that safely (it's already a menace) but they keep pushing pushing pushing because the problem is public but the profits private.
Labels: car cult, direct action
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