Approaching Critical Mass
Critical Mass is simply a gathering. The motto is, We Are Traffic.
Until that slogan makes sense to everyone in the city, Critical Mass
is sorely needed.
Critical Mass is not a fuck you. It's not much of a protest either. It
is a direct action to change the use of space. It is short lived. And
it works best when it is a celebration and not antagonism.
It's disheartening to hear people who have ridden on the mass yet feel
still so beholden to the city of cars that they think riding together
is impolite, impolitical or otherwise pushing for too much. It's a
pretty pathetic standard of accomplishment if at the first sign of
progress we give up.
Let's be clear. This city is still built for cars which, when used
properly, kill pedestrians and our environment. There is a lot of lip
service from the city and other levels of government about cycling
now. Advertisers and private interests now like to fly the flag of
cycling. Cycling is photogenic. Supposedly pedestrian and cycle use of
the city streets is the priority. Every day there are 50-200 more cars
(depending on the numbers you use) added to the total in the lower
mainland. 95% of all the bike facilities in the city, even the new
ones, would be pointless if there were not cars - in other words, they
are car facilities that allow the existance of bikes (meagrely) more
than they are actual facilities to help cyclists. The city is
currently installing pedestrian push buttons at major intersections so
that the timing of lights can exclude pedestrian crossing if the
button is not pushed. This is a major downgrading of pedestrian
priority yet the funding for this is the "pedestrian improvement"
There is lots to fight about and for. We have not won. We have small
gains. When we have won we will know because Critical Mass will be
enjoyed universally as it should be - the haters will no longer be
voicing their old old same old story that biking alone or in a mass is
wrong on our public streets.
That said, strategy is good. Cleverness is good. Now is the time to
improve Critical Mass if we can. Or change to suit the city as it
changes. It would be nice if we could mass in Surrey and Langley and
pretty much everywhere but downtown Vancouver. But that's a hard sell
to those who enjoy the current ride in the current favourable
location. We should be creative and try bike in bike lanes. Why not.
We can figure out fun ways to do these things. I've always thought it
would be fun to ride around the non-arterial bike routes on a mass.
And it would be satisflying to displace some of the cars that overuse
those routes (Heather Street!?). We should express support for city
policies we like. Giving up or apologising for being there is not the
answer and will never be. People advocating that, especially those
saying that there is some new condition that makes it imperative that
we stop, are using the same old argument that bikes don't belong. If
you are a cyclist and think that cyclists gathering to cycle together
is offensive in some way - then you are simply self loathing. It's
hard not to feel that way. The street in front of your house is built
for cars first and if you get killed riding your bike there it is your
own fault. We can change this. Patience is good. If you think there
are parts of Critical Mass that you don't like, that are not just
people gathering to cycle, that convey hostility, etc. Then change
Critical mass will continue. It would be better if those critical of
it are included and help it grow. As long as we start from a place of
respect: That we all belong here in our city and in our streets. We
will continue to roll forward.
Take care and take the lane,
rusl bicycle
Of all forms of caution, caution in love is the most fatal.
At 3:16 pm, January 28, 2011,
Anonymous said…
Fair enough, I accept that biking is environmentally friendly and a sustainable way forward. But how about bicyclists pay their fair share of road tax and follow traffic rules??
At 6:42 am, January 29, 2011,
Unknown said…
I have always been split on my feelings towards CM.
I support the 'message' but don't always support the way it takes place.
I do believe where bike lanes are provided people should ride in them. Motorists would recognize a large mass of cyclists in a bike lane, and they'd still have to wait if they were turning right.
On streets without bike lanes that have 2-4 lanes, I don't see anything wrong with using the entire right most lane.
On roads with only one lane, using the entire lane is acceptable (and I believe legal).
I also disagree with the whole corking premise. Although it would split the group up, stopping for the red lights is a better option.
I *use to* be of the belief that those who took part in CM gave all cyclists a bad name, however knowing those who whine about CM, they'd find something else wrong with cyclists.
No helmets. No license, etc.
Although I don't live in BC (I am thinking of moving there), I'd like to see a large CM ride around the parliament building in Victoria to protest the helmet law...I think June is bike to work month in BC, isn't it? Perhaps a June ride would be ideal to get cyclists from Victoria & Vancouver together?
At 12:03 pm, January 29, 2011,
Rusl Bicycle said…
Thanks for your thoughtful comments Ryan.
Some of the specific issues of ride method you have brought up are regularly brought up - mostly because they don't seem to make sense until you do it and get a sense of the road dynamics where these methods actually diffuse tension for the most part. I'd like to have some kind of static pages for reference on these topics. One day I will get that started. The CM wikia page ( has some but it's not Vancouver specific in focus. That said, I don't want people to think CM is unchangable - it is totally fluid - sometimes too much. So it's always good to try different things (but not wise without some research into why things currently are working as certain way)
Critical Mass is many things and whoever shows up defines it. However, I don't think Critical Mass has much of a message in any conventional sense of the word. People can bring their message too it but the message is never coherent among the whole of the ride. The most reliable thing is in fact the method of transoforming the public road space to be slow and safe and vocal.
Email me privately about organising CM in Victoria if you want I can connect you with some biking folks there who could help you and know about that scene. Unfortunately CM in Victoria has had a hard go over the years for various reasons. Victoria is a capital city and it seems that capital cities are extra hostile to CM - Ottawa, Victoria, Washington DC. CM is a bit anarchic for the image of model orderliness that capital cities like to present. However, Critical Mass is different wherever it is held and usually doesn't catch on if it is done in the way a different city does it instead of being adapted to the local condition. In Warsaw the rides are official city parades. In US cities the ride is intentionally unofficial in many place. In Portland the police are so repressive that Critical Mass was transformed into hundreds of smaller rides that avoid some of that conflict. So what I'm saying is: go for it!
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