Vancouver Critical Mass

Mostly event announcements, news, and bicycle related activist opinions...
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Yes, we ride the last Friday of every month!


Midnight Naked Bike Ride

August 30th
Ride at Midnight
(pre-party nearby)
Leave from Trout Lake Beach
Bare as you Dare
End the Summer
With Fun


  • At 6:45 pm, August 19, 2014, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please be safe out there on this late ride all. And please... remember to stop for pedestrians, other cyclist and cars etc. I have to avoid many more cyclist running red lights, stop signs...cross walks... and red lights in my neighborhood (the West End) than I do cars now. Things never used to be like this. VCM could be a great example and advocate for responsible cycling in Vancouver. Responsible cycling would make for a great campaign and perhaps It could even help bring drivers, pedestrians and cyclist together for a change.
    Again be safe (and sober) out there and enjoy the ride.


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