Vancouver Critical Mass

Mostly event announcements, news, and bicycle related activist opinions...
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Yes, we ride the last Friday of every month!


Car Free Vancouver Sunday


Celebrate the future of your city!

Major fest sites include Kitsilano, Main Street, West End, and Commercial Drive. This event is volunteer-organized and produced. It's your party, so please contribute, join a crew or volunteer on June 14th to make it happen! (I know the Main St party needs some extra help, they've put up tear away posters on bike racks up and down main. Help them, cyclists.)


June 14th Sunday. Yay! Family fun on fathers day. And also adult fun.

Hey, It's Bike Month. I know, it has been a for a while already. YOU should be posting these things here, not me. (email me and I'll let you post to the blog! spam AT bikesexual DOOT org)

Lots of fun. Noteworthy event tommorrow, is the always special lantern ride! Tomorrow a lantern ride leaves David Lam park 9pm ish (arrive at 7:30 for lantern making)

And besides that there are tons of other great events. Even tommorrow, besides the latern and naked rides. Check out the calendar for most events. (not the nude ride for some reason?)

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