Bike Month Over?

Nice Ride everybody. Decent turnout considering the rain. I would say it was a slight bit bigger than last years ride. Then there was a count of 1850 coming off Granville [fairly early on the ride] and this time I helped with a count of 1800 downtown after crossing the viaduct - so much longer into the ride, which usually gets smaller as time goes on.
I could recollect more about it but I'll do that tommorrow. Did anyone see the Global TV news where this brief clip showed a car ramming a corker? That was very disturbing and if there is footage we should try to get charges pressed for that assault. That kind of violence is intolerable. I hope no one was hurt. But the TV clip was too brief for me to be sure.
Please post links to your pictures of the ride here. I saw tons of people taking shots. I took some photo's myself, but I'll post those tommorrow too.
hugs to all massers!
PS, here is one from the flickr Critical Mass Vancouver photo pool:
I could recollect more about it but I'll do that tommorrow. Did anyone see the Global TV news where this brief clip showed a car ramming a corker? That was very disturbing and if there is footage we should try to get charges pressed for that assault. That kind of violence is intolerable. I hope no one was hurt. But the TV clip was too brief for me to be sure.
Please post links to your pictures of the ride here. I saw tons of people taking shots. I took some photo's myself, but I'll post those tommorrow too.
hugs to all massers!
PS, here is one from the flickr Critical Mass Vancouver photo pool:

Post a link to your photos page in the comments and I'll put the link here!
the funny thing about this is I recognise where the interview with the blue taxi driver took place. Right at the start of the mass next to the art gallery. I was there and I saw the TV interviewing a driver in a yellow taxi who was waiting. That taxi driver loved the mass! I guess they chose the interview that reflected the slant they wanted to take: sympathy with ignorant drivers who blame bikes for the problems that cars are. Oh well, we're use to it. Of course it is our fault that your car is too big and clumsy to scoot through the city efficiently... I did like the segue from about cyclists being injured - Somewhat. Statistics are that riding a bike is safer than being in a car! So don't be fooled into fear. With cycling you can really improve your odds with education - more so than driving (statistically).
Labels: bike month, june massive
At 11:37 am, June 30, 2007,
Unknown said…
Was the assaulter in a white jeep? Right towards the end of the ride I saw a guy wack his door into a cyclist on beach avenue. Either way violence is so unnecessary and disappointing.
I had an AMAZING ride! I want to thank the organisers. I think I got some good photos as I had my camera mounted to my rack, but it's in film! Sooon...
At 3:11 pm, June 30, 2007,
Unknown said…
If anyone has a link to a news article or video feed I'd like to see it. I'm keen to see some pictures too!
At 10:22 pm, June 30, 2007,
Anonymous said…
This month really had me asking, "Why is June Bike Month?" Why not July? We might have less rain...
At 1:16 pm, July 01, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I admire your cause and I am sure you are ahead of your time. However, the infrastructure is not yet in place for Vancouverites to completely ditch their motor vehicles. As a contractor, I need to use a vehicle to transport my tools and to commute to my "office", which is in a different location all the time. I cannot move closer to work. I think it is arrogant that your group is willing to disrupt people's commutes and block the movement of people and goods. Part of being a free society is the right to travel unhindered. Please use your excellent organizational skills to raise funds and lobby government. Stop creating enemies of normal citizens who cannot ride to work. Money is power. Organize yourselves into co-ops and businesses to generate cash to make a difference. Join established political parties so that your members may one day be voting members of city council.
At 11:57 pm, July 01, 2007,
Anonymous said…
We managed to get through your blockade on Broadway in order to get towards the Lions Gate so we could make our ferry.
As we were heading towards Granville to get downtown the cyclists that noticed we got through were screaming at us and fingering us.
We were heading to a wedding and needed to catch a ferry, why would you want to hinder that? How is that supposed to gain respect for your group? Also, I noticed others were smoking pot at the blockade, you are breaking laws. And you weren't stopping for red lights, which by law you are supposed to do.
You can't be mad at innocent people trying to live out their day. It's very hypocritical and counter productive, it gives first time observers like myself a hard time to have any sympathy for whatever you're trying to accomplish.
I don't know why you're all out there, no one is handing out any information which I would have gladly read, no posters of any sort displayed where you were stopped. Very selfish one sided actions.
At 10:31 am, July 02, 2007,
Queer As Moi said…
CTV coverage:
Too bad I didn't get the Global feed.
At 10:18 pm, July 02, 2007,
Chris said…
Great ride everyone. One of the best videos I've found is
At 7:29 am, July 04, 2007,
Anonymous said…
June 29, 2007 - awesome ride!
sooo it's happening - the drivers are getting out of their cars and joining us:
A guy got of his car to join the corking crew and was waving and cheering on the cyclists!
and, when I was heading home a driver slowed down to my bike speed and rolled down his window to get info about where to be and when for the start of the next ride.
Thanks to all for making this a fun and joyful ride.
At 8:21 pm, July 05, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Note to anonymous #1: Some of our members *are*, in fact, voting members of city council...
And to anonymous #2: We respect your right to drive; please respect our right to ride. If you have ever cycled at the side of the road in traffic you will know why we ride together: the current system is dangerous and frightening, and drivers need to more aware of cyclists. Have you ever been doored? Have you ever been hit by a car while on a bike? Sadly, it happens all the time.
Once a month, you might be inconvenienced for a total of half an hour. Is it really such a big deal? Car accidents, charity run events, and traffic jams have caused far worse delays. Next time, why not join the fun?
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