June is bike month!
June 2nd, Friday night, around 6pmSadly, nobody remembered to announce that at last night's CM announcement time [that's what happens when no one is in charge]. But every CMasser [you] is definately invited. Discussion of such things is known about by joining the open velolove listserv.
is a planning meeting for any interested in promoting/organising forthe JUNE 2000+6 Wheels Massive![where we hope to gather 2000 cyclists, skaters, bladers, runners, bouncers, funsters...]
I don't know the exact time or location of this meeting. I'll post it here as soon as I know. If you know, post the info as a comment please. The time is likely to be 6pm and location likely to be Science World Gazebo. Because that is where it was last time. But I'm not sure so don't quote me on that. I'll post it here when I know.
June is Bike Month, put on by BEST, and there are tons of great things happening. They printed a big calender/flyer with all the info so look out for that. I'm not sure if it comes inserted in Momentum or another newspaper. Anyway there are thousands so get one. Otherwise look on their webpage for info. Also their webcalender is useful, if less to the point.
At 11:52 am, June 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
UBC CiTR's Discorder is also bike themed this month with some good stuff in it.
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