June 18 Car Free Bike Day!
We need 300 volunteers to keep those cars at bay on Sunday June 18, so the good people of the Republic of East Van (and their guests) can PARTY IN THE STREET. We're almost there, but we still need a few good people.
(and if you've already signed on, of course, please ignore this nagging)
If you can spare 2 hours to marshall a barricade, you will receive bigtime karma points, a gorgeous t-shirt at the low low volunteer price of ten bucks, lots of gratitude and smiles, and you get to meet lots of great neighbours. Sidewalk chalk, snacks and water, and a stylish safety vest will be supplied.
Our final Volunteer Orientation Meeting is this Thursday, June 15, at 7 pm. The meeting is in the Learning Resources Center at the Britannia Center (walk east down the Napier St. Greenway from Commercial drive, past the Library and down the ramp). At the meeting you will get important instructions, get first dibs on t-shirts (which will likely sell out), and find out about the volunteer reunion afterparty.
It will make our job less stressful if you pick your barricade shift beforehand, plus, you will get your preferred slot (check the website and work it in around your favourite acts!). Shifts available are:
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 4:00
4:00 - 6:00
6:00 - 8:00
Please email matt@@&@mightymatthern...com (don't reply to this message from the drive fest address) indicating your top three choices and Matt will slot you in and write to let you know what you get.
If you want to help out but you can't do a barricade shift, or you have some other resources to offer, or you can't make the meeting -- please let us know at volunteers@@&@commercialdrivefestival.org
Thanks evermuch, this is going to be a mind-blowing day.
-the Commercial Drive Festival Crew
Hello all biker friends,
We need your help on Sunday JUNE 18th.
WHY? because PedalPlay is helping to create the 5th Annual EastVan ChopperFest. Last year we partnered with the Carfree Commercial Drive Festival... and this year same thing. If you attended the EVCF last year then you know what a tremendous sucess the day was... over 20,000 people attended! the ChopperFest brought SO MANY SMILES to faces of all ages.
Riding bikes is a joy (as we all know), and Riding crazy bikes is a dream come true for some folks (who don't have the everyday priveledge of owning a freakbike). We don't tell people what to do... we just let them have fun, and they will do what HELP MAKE THIS DAY A SUCCESS !!!
How would you like to help? Pick a shift (or more than one if you feel like it, cause it's so much fun anyways Pick an area Let me know by replying to this email with shift and area preferences or by giving me a call at 604...222-->>>0464
S H I F T S :
9 til Noon
Noon til 2
2 til 4
4 til 6
6 til 7:30
A R E A S :
1. set-up (9 til Noon only),
2. sound system,
3. info table / merchandise,
4. Pedalling Zoo entrance,
5. mechanical assistance,
6. safety,
7. helmet / bike-riding help,
8. sound system encouragement
9. kids parade (9 til Noon only),
10. Show'n'shine,
11. blender,
12. donations,
13. volunteer coordination (day of),
14. tank rides.
R E W A R D S :
volunteer food and water.
discounted price on this year's BIKER T-shirt.
bike love, passed on, to the next generation, feels good, YA.
probably a July 16th thank you BBQ (flexi-date).
THANKS from me,
from PedalPlay, from the folks involved with the carfree Commercial Drive Festival, and from all the potential future bike-riders out there who will get to share this crazy, positive association with cycling for ever forward!
Sincere riding regards,
See pictures from Last Year's EVCF at:
At 2:57 pm, June 16, 2006,
VanCM Blogger said…
Some people may have heard about a controversy regarding the White Caps 'sponsoring' the Soccar section of the festival. This is controversioal because they are a big corporate team lobbying for a ridiculous mega-project to get the city to build a stadium over the train tracks in gastown. As if we need more stadiums and more cars. BC place was built for Expo and what a great idea that was [it loses money and the public has to pick up the tab] I remember as a little kid soon after BC place was built seeing WhiteCaps games there and doing the wave with my grandpa. I think they went bankrupt because that place was too big.
The organisers of the car-free festival what to assure everyone they are not selling out. They are vigilant not to let the the minor support the White Caps have offered to the soccer segment [there are no official sponsors] be misconstrued as support from the community for the stadium mega project. So don't be paranoid. If you really feel strongly about the stadium the DriveFest is a great place to lobby and engage in discussion with the soccar supportters who are maybe not thinking about the long term implications of their dream of a new stadium.
Maybe BC place should be renovated to be smaller!
And don't forget the really important thing about the Car-free drive fest. Opposing highway expansion in our town. And fun.
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