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Stop the TPP

Teach-in: Sat April 16th
Federal Gov't Public Hearing on whether to approve TPP:
Monday April 18th
(Details below)

Our Common Struggle, Making the Links.

Teach in on International Instruments of Corporate Power: TPP, CETA, FIPAs & NAFTA.
Saturday, April 16th

SFU Center for Dialogue, Room 320

520 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

Coast Salish Territories

Governments around the world are working hard to secure and expand the rights and powers of multinational corporations. Their most significant efforts involve the negotiation and ratification of international trade, investment and property rights agreements. Canada is currently engaged with the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) involving 12 pacific rim states and counting, 29 existing Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreements (FIPAs) with 7 being negotiated and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The negative effects of these agreements are far reaching and opposition to their imposition has  historically been seen as a collective responsibility of various social movements. This one day teach in aims to highlight the various ways in which the expansion of corporate rights impacts communities: corporate bailouts at the expense of social services, promoting the plunder of indigenous lands, undermining action on climate change, exploitation of workers, deterioration of people’s health, threatening food security, displacement of communities, privatization of public resources, limiting internet freedoms and much more.

The day will be provide a panel discussion, keynote presentations and caucus times for people to discuss, learn and plan together.

    Saturday, 16 April 2016 from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM (PDT)
    Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue - 580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1L6, Canada


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