Greetings all neighbours, friends and extended family, * pardon some inevitable cross-postings * * Wanted * Anyone and everyone who rides a bicycle, or wants to cycle and has ideas/comments about how the City of Vancouver might proceed with Operational Budget funding for 2011 > cycling focus ! Please join members of the City's "Bicycle Advisory Committee", a member of City Council and possibly City staff THIS Weds 3 Nov at City Hall for information and a discussion. Further details below. You can check out some details in advance and complete the survey by following the link as directed. For example: you might believe that the City should dedicate some more staffing towards educational programming (cycling safety, awareness, encouragement, etc) to benefit all the diverse age, multi-cultural populations in Vancouver, this may be the best time and place to give that feedback ! This education could be via community centres, schools, the VPD and/or other groups. Even if you can't attend, please take a few minutes to complete the on-line survey ! > Enter City Hall through south entrance (facing West 12th Ave). > Save disposables from the landfill by bringing your own cup/mug for "light refreshments" ! > The City is trying to arrange for valet bicycle parking. Engage in our important civic budget consultation process and make your voice heard. Please direct any further questions about this session to the City "RSVP e-mail" address above. Thanks for your time and interest. Feel free to circulate this information to other lists and individuals . Hope to see some of you there ! All the best, Kari Hewett Chair, on behalf of the Bicycle Advisory Committee ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * "Tolerance is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle." - Helen Keller
We invite you to join us in creating a 2011 budget that reflects your priorities. City Council wants to hear from you on issues relating to budget planning and spending priorities.
Share your ideas and find out what is takes to run one of the most livable cities in the world. Visit, to read more about this year's budget process and fill out the online survey. Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, November 3, 2010 from 7:30 to 9 pm City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue, Media Centre, Main Floor
RSVP: by Monday, November 1
Light refreshments will be provided.
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