Car-Free Vancouver Day, June 15
Callout to ALL citizens, artists, activists, performers, pranksters and funsters Car-Free Vancouver Day is less than two months away !!
Get ready, to
Sunday June 15th (Fathers Day) will see Car-Free Festivals going off all over the city. We expect 100,000 people to flood the streets to celebrate their neighbourhoods and re-imagine what a more sustainable, ecological, ethical and genuinely cultural city might look like.
Other cities around the world are already doing this, and car-free streets are the way of the future. Let's start taking back our streets, NOW!
The City is listening, and they are on our side. This is a huge opportunity to show/tell them what we really want: car-free streets, no more highways, and support for authentic urban culture.
All four Festivals are all deep into their organizing and have great crews working hard, and we would welcome anyone who wants to get involved in any capacity: organizers, volunteers, performers, anything. Right now we are specifically calling out to all activists, artists, performers, organizations and creative trouble-makers, hoping you will all be coming out and causing a stir.
We encourage you to set up soapboxes, banners, art installations large or tiny, info tables, events, performances, games, gifting stations, interactive displays, parades, theatre pieces, interventions pretty much whatever fun you can dream up. It's your party so please do what you like best" we only ask that your activity be respectful (noise and spacewise), and that it be free: free of charge, free of boring corporate stuff, free of cars.
There is tons of space for you to express yourself at Car Free Vancouver Day, so please get in touch and let us know what you have in mind. If you're envisioning anything that may require a good chunk of space or a sound system of any sort, please check in with the Fest in question. This is an important courtesy and will help everything run harmoniously.
Car Free Vancouver Day isn't it about frickin time?!
Check out for more.
Next planning meetings:
Car-Free Commercial Drive
Tuesday, April 29th, 7pm-9pm
1707 Charles Street (through the wooden door around the corner from
the Drive) or call Craig at 604.320.6560.
===Car-Free Kitsilano
Ongoing multiple-block-party planning - or call Mel at (604) 731-0599
====Car-Free Main Street
Sunday, May 4th at 2:00pm
We will meet at JJ bean (Main and 14th Ave) and then walk up to
Heritage Hall together as a group. Any late comers can wait at the
front doors of the Heritage Hall to get let in (the doors will be
locked). or (778) 888-2440
===Car-Free West End
Monday May 5, 7pm-9pm
Gordon Neighbourhood House, 1019 Broughton St. (@ Nelson) or call Dave at 604-646-4615
General information about Car Free Vancouver Day:
Labels: carfree
At 1:05 pm, June 10, 2008,
Anonymous said…
june 15 should make for an excellent day for driving my petroleum-powered auto around town! every day should be a car-free day!
At 9:45 am, June 12, 2008,
VanCM Blogger said…
yes, every day should be a car-free day! cars stink (even the 'green' flavour)
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